Tuesday 26 September 2017

Assembly Week 10

Rimu Rima were fantastic today in assembly.  They shared their learning around Growth Mindset and their beautiful art work.  To top it off we won the Silver medal at the end, for making good choices throughout assembly time.  Well done Rimu Rima.

Congratulations to Zach and Emily on being awarded the Key Competency certificates for Thinking.  

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Measurement Madness

On Fridays we have been learning about measuring weight and volume. We have been experimenting with different scales, comparing different objects. We have been experimenting with different shaped containers and comparing their volume.

Peacock Art

Rimu Rima have been finding out lots about different cultures from our visitors.  In India the peacock is seen as a very special bird and is their National symbol.   It represents grace, joy, beauty and love.  Rimu 5 learned some information about peacocks and then watched a video on how to draw.  It looked pretty challenging and was challenging, but the end results are brilliant. 
Rimu 5 are very proud of their artwork and will share it on Monday in assembly.

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Cultural Visitors

Last week we were very lucky to have three parents visit Rimu 5 to share about their culture.  We learnt about India and Scotland.  We listened to different music, looked and tried on their cultural clothes and tried some different foods.  We asked great questions to develop a better understanding of each culture.
Here are a few pictures from our experiences.
Thank you to Rimu 5 families for sharing with us.  It has helped our understanding of what culture means.

Justin's mum sharing about the Indian Culture

Hindu writing

Aruna sharing the Indian dress of a sari

Part of Aruna's wedding sari

Dough of the Puri bread

Rolling the dough out very thinly.

Puri bread - this is a rich bread and is served at special occasions.

Kelly sharing about Scotland

Yummy Scottish food

The Loch Ness Monster!

Shortbread biscuits

Monday 11 September 2017

Apple Dunking!

Last week we had great fun doing apple dunking to help support us with our writing.  From the experience we have each created a moment in time piece of writing, from when we first knelt beside the container to us grabbing hold of our apple!
Please come into our classroom and read our work.
Here are a few photos of us having fun!